Online Registration is an easy-to-use, web-based, integrated system for registering
Arrowmen within the section for Conclave 2005. This hassle free process has been made solely for individuals to “mark their intent” to attend conclave 2005. All fees associated with the event will be collected at a later date and we do not
ask for any formal payment during this registration process; however your lodge will automatically deduct and pay for your conclave fee (from your chapter’s account) once you submit the form. All forms of payment should go through your chapter at your earliest convenience.
Please be prepared by having all your personal and emergency contact information ready
and available prior to beginning the registration process. This must be on file and available to the
conference management so that in the event of an emergency the proper individuals can be notified. Health insurance
information is desired when registering although this is an optional feature; discloser of this information is your choice and the section insures that all information collected will remain confidential and privileged to only adult members of the conference management. All youth participants must have an adult present when registering.
Also, prior to registering it is recommended that you preview the Training List!
of offered courses through Machquigen University and prioritize a list of courses that you wish to take based upon your degree of choice.Just a reminder: you must select three courses from your college major in order to receive a degree from that college;
if not you may opt to earn a degree in general studies which enables you to select any courses offered through the University.You will also be asked for an alternative elective which will be used in the event that a previous course you have chosen if closed. Additionally all OA membership information will be required when registering including: OA Honor, OA Chapter, OA Lodge, and OA Induction Date, unless this is previously on file.
Section W-4B Conclave
Naval Station San Diego,
April 29, 2005 (thru) May 1, 2005
Completing this online registration forms enables you to comply with the
Terms and
Click Here to Enter the
Registration Zone
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