2005 Conclave Training Classes and Professors:
Below the Classes to be taught at this year's Conclave are listed. Any "To Be Determined" means we have not chosen a professor yet, or the professor chosen hasn't confirmed whther they are going yet, but we will have all calsses filled in the next few weeks. Pick your training class when you sign up online and you're ready to go!
New Ordeal member? Not yet sealed your membership in the OA? Brotherhood basics will help you learn all you need to know to get your
Brotherhood! REQUIRED for all Arrowmen seeking to get their Brotherhood at Conclave. Everyone welcome. This is a two hour session!
CNA111C Brotherhood Preparation To Be Determined
CNA121A I'm Ordeal -- Now What? Brandon Guzik
So now you're a member of the OA. What is there to do? Actually, there's a whole ton of fun opportunities now open to you. Come find out
about events, activities, and everything you ever wanted to know. Something for everyone!
CNA131C Meet the Chief Murphy/Golner
Have you ever had a question about why the OA does something we do? Have you ever had a question for a National Officer? Come meet a
national officer and ask him anything you’ve ever wanted to know.
CNA171D The History of Treasure Island Alburtus Hoogeveen*
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the original OA ceremony and where it took place? This session will educate participants in the
original birthplace of our honor society: Treasure Island!
CNA191B Elangomats: Strengthening the Program To Be Determined
Learn how to strengthen, promote, and provide an effective Elangomat program.
CGS111A History and Purpose of the OA Chuck Williams*
Have you ever wondered when, where and why the Order of the Arrow was founded? Come find out more about our famous founders and
what their vision was for this great service organization. Great for all age groups!
CGS131B Roles of Chapter Officers and Advisers Dwayne Walker
Are you a new Chapter Officer or Adviser? Do you wish you had a better idea of what your job entails? Come learn about how you, as a
leader, are a vital part to the successful program in your area.
CGS161C So, You Want to Be a Lodge or Section Officer? Michael Golner
So you want to be an OA officer? This course will show you the way to get there from Chapter all the way to National! You will learn
everything from the responsibilities of office to the tips and tricks to getting elected. Come have fun learning the way to success through the
offices of the OA! Required for youth running for section office!
CGS171D It's All About Patch Trading Malaney/Rolf
Do you collect patches or want to start a collection? Learn what it takes to trade with the pros.
CGS181A Arrowmen 101 To Be Determined
This cell training is intended to give each participant a clear understanding of why they are in the Order of the Arrow, why and how the order
was founded and to teach the participants how to incorporate the mission, purpose and principles of the Order in their daily lives.
CGS221B Adviser Forum: Making Improvements Denis Underwood
Advising in the OA can be a hard thing to do at times. This session is an informal discussion forum to share ideas, best methods and
experiences, and is a must for an adviser at any level of our Order.
CGS231C Issues that Confront Advisers Ken Knapp*
From time to time, Advisers of the OA encounter situations that may make them feel uncomfortable and this makes finding the correct answer
difficult to come by. If you are not sure what direction to lead your youth in moments of uncertainty, than this course is for you!
Confrontational issues are bound to confront adults throughout their tenure in the program; so, come learn how to make the unclear situation
appear straightforward.
CGS341D Marketing the Chapter and Lodge Bobby Brock
Any fortune 500 company will tell you that marketing will make or break a product! Marketing your chapter or lodge is just the same. Getting
Arrowmen enthusiastic about your chapter or lodge will be best accomplished through great marketing!
CGS421C Recruiting Allies For Your Goals To Be Determined
Learn how to identify individuals who share a common view, recruit them to join the team, and create an environment that encourages and
motivates each member of the team to commit themselves to achieving the mission.
CGS451B Council, Community, and Business Relations Lalane Hamlett
This session will help you evaluate and utilize resources that you may have never known existed within your lodge. It will help develop new
methods of fundraising while keeping your budget within reason.
CGS461A Conducting A Scouts Own Joe Maresh*
Have you ever been asked to put on an Interfaith Scout’s Own service and you did not know how? Sign up now and learn how to put on a
successful Interfaith Scout’s Own and learn the tricks of the trade in producing non-denominational religious services.
College of Indian Affairs
CIA131A Ceremony Props and Costumes Dan Alexander
Have you ever watched a ceremony and thought to yourself how you would love to have all the props and costumes they have? Learn the
significance of every prop used in the ceremonies, and common ways to make them.
CIA141B Advanced Ceremonial Performance Techniques Geoffrey Ray*
Are you an Arrowman who is involved in ceremonies, but wishes to improve your performance? Come learn some innovative techniques that
will help you to astonish those who you perform for!
CIA151C Introduction to Ceremonies Brandon Guzik
Looking at getting involved in ceremonies for the first time? Come get more information on what exactly a ceremony team is and the
importance of working together all the way through the end goal: the performance.
CIA171A Bonnet Design and Strategy Ehern Widenkeller*
Have you ever wondered how to make an indian headdress? Learn the skills it takes to design and create such magnificent works of art. This
is a two hour session!
CIA171B Bonnet Design and Strategy Ehern Widenkeller*
CIA191C Native American Crafts Jimmy Ramirez*
Would you like to make a dance stick? Come learn how to make this unique Native American craft. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!
This is a two hour session!
CIA191D Native American Crafts Jimmy Ramirez*
CIA211A The Fundamentals of Beadwork Marie Maresh
Have you ever wondered how ceremonialists create such detailed beadwork? This class will teach you all there is to know to mastering this
fine art. This is two hour session!
CIA211B The Fundamentals of Beadwork Marie Maresh COMBINED WITH CIA211A
CIA211C The Fundamentals of Beadwork Marie Maresh
CIA211D The Fundamentals of Beadwork Marie Maresh COMBINED WITH CIA211C
CIA221D The Nuts and Bolts of Dancing Geofrey Ray*
Looking to get involved in your chapter dance team? Come get more information on what it takes to dance like a pro.
CIA231A Staging the Ceremony To Be Determined
A ceremony can be done anywhere at any time, but for a great ceremony it is essential that it be staged in the right place at the right time and
with the right surroundings. Learn how to stage a top-notch ceremony!
CIA261B Tying the Ten Induction Principles Together To Be Determined
Any experienced ceremonialist knows how important it is to apply these principles to his overall performance. Learn the basis behind why
certain things happen at the Ordeal, and how it applies to ceremonies, as well.
CIA271A Introduction to Pow Wow Drumming Paul Campeau*/TYCO Drum*
Have you ever wanted to learn proper drumming etiquette? Well now is your chance - come learn all that it takes to keep a beat and how to
put on a top-notch performance.
CIA271B Introduction to Pow Wow Drumming Paul Campeau*/TYCO Drum*
CIA271C Introduction to Pow Wow Drumming Paul Campeau*/TYCO Drum*
CIA271D Introduction to Pow Wow Drumming Paul Campeau*/TYCO Drum*
CIA291A Cub Scout Ceremonies and Involvement Becky Roach*
Before the Ordeal, before the callout, many scouts are exposed to the Order of the Arrow through Cub Scouts. Learn different styles and
types of recognition ceremonies, and how to look good while performing them.
CIA291C Cub Scout Ceremonies and Involvement Becky Roach*
CIA361C How to Run an Effective Ordeal To Be Determined
The complete steps to plan, execute, and review a top rate Ordeal.
CIA381D Elangomats: Strengthening the Program To Be Determined
Learn how to strengthen, promote, and provide an effective Elangomat program.
CIA441A Ceremony Team Coaching George Schultz*
Like any good performers a coach is essential to the ceremony process. A coach is a mentor to all ceremonialists and should know the tricks
of the trade. Come to this session and learn how to best coach a team of young Arrowmen to success in ceremonies.
CIA451B Understandiing the Symbolism of the Order To Be Determined
Understanding the goals of symbolic progression is the key to effectively presenting the traditions and ideals to prospective and new
members of the Order of the Arrow. Find out what exactly this progression consists of.
CIA471C Staging the Vigil Marc Aarons*
This session will help participants to more fully understand the honors and principles of the Vigil Honor. You must be Vigil to attend.
College of Leadership and Program
CLP111A Acquiring the Service Vision Harold Charboneau
Discover the general nature of service within the Scouting sphere. Come discuss the meaning and rich tradition of service within our
movement and also gain new ideas for future service.
CLP121A All About OA Unit Representatives To Be Determined
This session is designed to provide a more complete understanding of the Order of the Arrow Troop/Team Representative Program. It
focuses on who the OA Representative is, what his responsibilities are, and how he fits into the overall operation of the Order.
CLP121C All About OA Unit Representatives To Be Determined
CLP122B OA Scoutreach Mentoring Program Bill Grinelle*
This session focuses on several significant factors. First, it defines the Order of the Arrow Scoutreach Program. Secondly, it provides a
justification for the program. Third, it outlines the basic focus of the program.
CLP131C Building a Great Chapter Tracy Schultze
Building a chapter from the ground up can be hard to do, but not impossible. This session will teach you everything from promoting your
chapter, to fund raisers, to running a meeting, to creating a chapter fellowship to be proud of.
CLP143D Trained Leaders Are Motivated Tom Hamlett
Motivated, motivated, downright motivated! To be successful as a leader, you've got to be able to inspire people to do things. Learn the
significance of a motivated leader in the Order of the Arrow.
CLP151B Effective Communication in the OA Brandin Grams
Effective communications is the backbone of any lodge. During this session, we will explore the latest innovations in lodge newsletters,
websites, e-mail listings, plan books, and effective use of personal communication.
CLP211D The Fundamentals of Servant Leadership Harold Charboneau
From service projects to a life of service - This session is an advanced session on the topic of "Servant Leadership." This session will attempt
to familiarize the participants with acquiring a mentality that moves beyond isolated moments of service to a lifestyle of serving others.
CLP221A Chapter Assistance Program To Be Determined
Just like the Lodge Assistance Program on the Section level, this is a similar program for the Lodge level. This session will enlighten you to
the opportunities there are to help the struggling and even the strong chapters, to get better!
CLP231C The National OA Strategic Plan Steve Bradley*
Get a sneak peak at the 2003 - 2007 National Strategic Plan. Find out the direction the OA will be going over the next five years.
CLP241A Dynamics of Leadership To Be Determined
This session will focus on developing leadership styles, interpersonal skills, and the necessity of setting the example.
CLP282B The 5 W's of Brotherhood Conversion To Be Determined
Everyone should have a goal to attain Brotherhood and assist their Lodge by educating Ordeal members in the reasons behind Brotherhood
Conversion. In this cell you will become familiar with the contextual reasons for brotherhood conversion and realize their implicit and explicit
role in the conversion process.
CLP311C Leaving A Legacy To Be Determined
This session will help the participant from the small lodge understand the meaning and importance of leaving a legacy, and will challenge the
participant to purposefully leave a legacy.
CLP431D Creating Special Events To Be Determined
Participants will gain insight into improving the quality and success of lodge events.
CLP433A The Building of a Lodge Fellowship Alex Phethean*
The ultimate event is hard to come by, but with the prior proper planning that “Ultimate Event” can be created! This session will show you
some of the best ways to come about an ultimate event!
CLP461B Mentoring Youth Leaders To Be Determined
This session is focused for adults, on the methods of inspiring within youth the skills for success and the aspirations for achievement.
Discussion ranges from simply understanding what makes a good mentor to understanding the varied contexts of mentoring relationships
and the qualities required in each. Finally, participants will have a better realization of the myriad of ways in which they can inspire those
whom they provide guidance for.
College of Outdoor Adventure
COA111A Bicycling in Style To Be Determined
Many scout troops offer 50 or 100-Mile bike treks. In these events not just any bike will do. Come learn about everything from the top of the
line bikes to the economical and efficient bikes for the average biker!
COA121A Dutch Oven Cooking Marie Elliott*
Dutch oven cooking is an old-time classic enjoyed by many scout troops. In this session you can get some great ideas for adventurous and
delicious recipes for everyone from the beginner to the advanced Dutch Oven Chef! (And taste test too!) This is a two hour session!
COA121B Dutch Oven Cooking Marie Eliott*
COA131B High Adventure in the OA To Be Determined
This session is designed to give knowledgeable information to those youth Arrowmen ages 15 to 20 who are interested in attending two of the
Order of the Arrow's high adventure programs that are in search of a service rendering outdoor experience.
COA131C High Adventure in the OA To Be Determined
COA231D Planning a High Adventure Trip To Be Determined
Are you ready to prove to your parents that you really know how to camp! If so then gather your friends and signup for HA in the OA to fully
experience what real camping is all about. Discover the "adventure" side of you and learn what it takes to plan the adventure of a lifetime!
COA251A The Where to Go Camping Guide Richard Hill*
Are you determined to put together a camping guide for your council? Do you wish to learn how to utilize the resources of an existing guide?
If that is the case, sign-up for COA251A!
COA261A Philmont Trek Preparation Dave Ramos
Going to Philmont any time soon? Come speak with members of the Philmont Staff Association who will help prepare you for the adventure
of a lifetime. Find out what it takes to hike the backcountries of this camp, and learn about upcoming staff opportunities available at Philmont.
COA261B Philmont Trek Preparation Dave Ramos
COA321C Advanced Dutch Oven Cooking Bob Hall
Do you think you know what it takes to make a home cooked meal at camp? If so, or if you just want some free food, register now! This is a
double session class and space is limited.
COA321D Advanced Dutch Oven Cooking Bob Hall
COA341A Safe Scouting Starts With Leadership To Be Determined
Get up to speed on how to conduct safe and exciting outdoor and high adventure activities. Learn and review the safety principles that
underlie all Scouting activities along with Safety Afloat and Climb on Safely programs.
COA411B GPS Orienteering Ian Smith
Global Positioning Satelites are used all over the world. This session will show you the ways to use these devices while hiking in unknown
COA461C Northern Tier Voyage Preparation To Be Determined
Have you ever wanted to canoe through the Boundary Waters of Canada? Come listen to stories from other Arrowmen that experienced
nature at its best at the National OA Wilderness Voyage. See pictures and learn how this National OA Program can change your life!
COA471D Wilderness Survival: Health and Safety Clyde Elliott*
By the end of this session, adults leaders will have a working knowledge of the National BSA Policies on Health and Safety and will be able to
recognize situations that need their immediate intervention to prevent injury to scouts. We will also discuss the necessity for insurance and
tour permits.
COA481C The OA and Summer Camp Scott Oldenburg
Come learn the Role of the local lodge in promoting the council’s summer camp program and understand the role that Arrowman play in the
summer camp. This session also will focus on how to effectively increase participation of Arrowmen on council camp staff.
In past years, the section has continuously attempted to produce and utilize a university style of instruction. To further develop our existing program, in conjunction with other sections, we have produced a training and registration program that itemizes every delegate's history within the section, which will remain on-file for all future conclaves.
Conclave participants will receive a permanent ID number, which will serve as their identification number for Conclave 2005, and every future conclave within the section. Offered courses at all section conclaves will be taught through the sections newly adopted university, Machquigen University . Within the university are six colleges one may chose to attend:
College of Indian Affairs
College of Leadership and Program
College of Outdoor Adventure
College of General Studies
College for New Arrowmen
College of Professors
Starting last year, participants started earning associate's degree from a college of their choice. In future years, a participant can continue in the same college earning a bachelors degree or select another college to earn an associate's degree from. Once the participants complete the required courses, a degree will be printed in their name and a Machquigen University patch will be given to them, with a different color border for each degree. In 2003, everyone received a red-bordered patch, as an associate's degree. in 2004, qualifying members received a blue-bordered patch, as a bachelor's degree. In 2005, members who qualify will receive a green-bordered patch as a master's degree.
The College of Professors is limited to only those individuals training a session at the Conclave. Trainers may be anyone registered in the Order of the Arrow but must have the approval of the Section Chief and CVC of Training. Those selected to attend the College of Professors will receive a gold-bordered Machquigen University patch for their services.
A list of all training sessions can be found here within or on the section website. Please note that individuals registering on-line have priority selection with course registration. Many of the courses being offered do have a maximum attendance for the class. In the event a session that you registered for is full, you will be placed in another class from your selected college. Your final course schedule will be printed for you upon check-in.
Please note that in order to obtain a degree from your selected college of choice, you must attend a minimum of three classes from that college. You are more then welcome to change your classes at any time, if need be. If you have not selected three sessions from the same college, your degree will automatically be changed to the College of General Studies . If you have not specified any classes on your registration form, then you will be ineligible to obtain a degree from any of the colleges within Machquigen University . The training portion of conclave will take place Saturday morning. No other events and scheduled to take place during instruction.
If you are not registered for any sessions, you may show up to any course of your choice and your information will be changed in the section database.
The Machquigen University sessions all contain abbreviations based on their college of origination, and the time of day it is being offered. The college's abbreviations are:
College of Indian Affairs - CIA
College of Leadership and Program - CLP
College of Outdoor Adventure - COA
College of General Studies - CGS
College for New Arrowmen - CNA
College of Professors - COP
The courses are then divided into levels of difficulty ranging from 101 to 441, and this will serve as the course number from the selected colleges. Lastly attached on the end is A, B, C, or D, which serve as the session times of training.
A: 12:00 PM
B: 1:00 PM
C: 2:00 PM
D: 3:00 PM
An example of this in use is the class CIA141B. This course is being offered through the College of Indian Affairs , course number 141, offered at 2:00 PM .
Increase participation by utilizing the Machquigen University .
Present more courses to be taught by the best trainers in the nation.
Have the College of Professors attend the section train the trainer.
Increase overall quality of section training.
Course Documentation
Contained in the section are the guidelines and training materials for the 2005, Section W-4B Conclave. In your first class session at 12:00 PM , everyone will receive a training record sheet. This will be your ticket to obtaining your degree and prove that all courses were completed. Upon completion of each course, your instructor will hand out a course completion sticker, with the course name, to be placed next to your session time on the evaluation and degree application form, which will be included in your registration packets. Arrowman that do not register will not be able to participate in the section training or conclave activities. Additionally, an evaluation of each course is required prior to handing in your completed form to administration officials at the welcome center no later than 5:00 PM Saturday afternoon.
Sunday morning or late Saturday, you may pick up your degree and patch, along with you participation award upon showing proof of completion of your participant guide.
Participation Pin Requirements
In order for a delegate to receive a Participation Pin, he must fulfill the requirements listed in the participant guide, which includes attending four training sessions.
Participant Guide
The participant guide will be provided with the registration packets, which will be handed out at the administration headquarters upon registration confirmation. It will contain a schedule of all training events, their trainer for each class, and their locations.
Name Badges
The identification name badge is required to be worn on the uniform at all times! This is your ticket to training, activities, meals, and shows.
Training Schedule
Training will begin at 12 Noon and end at 3:45 PM Saturday afternoon. There will be four training sessions, each lasting approximately 45 minutes with a 15 transition time.
Additionally included is the complete training session list that includes the courses being offered within each college, the trainers instructing the courses, course times and classroom locations.