I. Facilities
We will be using one main parking lot at Naval Station, San Diego . Although some adults will have base passes and will want to park close to the camping area or elsewhere on the base, base security asks that you please do not. All participants regardless need to park in the main parking area, located across from the main Conclave entrance. Only one entrance will be used for the participant entrance. Once entered, conclave site staff will direct your vehicle into the parking lot on the left.
CARS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARK INSIDE CAMPSITES. The main parking lot will be used for all parking. If you are disabled or have large items you can contact conclave staff at registration in the parking lot for a pass to go help you to your campsite, or we can help load the items for you. You MUST go to the parking area first.
ALL VEHICLES MUST PARK PROPERLY BY 10PM , FRIDAY NIGHT! Be mindful of all rules and regulations on base, MP's will enforce them !
All meals will be prepared in the Galley.
FULL UNIFORMS WILL BE REQUIRED AT ALL MEALS! This includes Khaki/Venturing/Exploring shirt, Scout Pants or Shorts, Boy Scout Socks, Dress shoes or boots, A Scouting Belt, and of course the uniform being neat and tucked in. These regulations on the base will be enforced strictly. You WILL be charged extra for your meals if you refuse to wear your uniform to meals. Section Staff will have several extra uniforms for those scouts who have difficulty providing their own, please contact the section in advance of Conclave.
Friday night we will have a full cracker barrel and Saturday we will hold an Ice-Cream social during the patch auction. All complete meals are served in the dining hall. (Consult base map for location).
Lodge Camping
All Camping will be in the designated areas on the Softball Fields labeled “Camping” on the official Conclave maps. Out of Section Guests as well as lodges will have labeled areas to place their tents.
The Section Council of Chiefs selected the following as the theme for the 2004 Conclave:
“Our 32 nd At 32 nd ”
We have also adopted a “Navy” theme to many events and the patch design because of our location and the generosity of the Navy in supporting our location for the event.
Tiwahe Lodge will be serving as the host council for the 2005 Section W-4B Conclave. They have arranged the Naval Base at 32 nd St. in San Diego to serve as grounds for the event. A map of the base is located within the plan book.
Participant Guide
Each Conclave participant will be supplied with a participation booklet, containing the schedule, event locations, code of conduct, dress code, meal schedule, map, etc. It is vital that all Arrowmen keep this passport in their possession at all times during their stay at Conclave. This participation booklet will also contain the requirements for the participation award, which should be completed by Saturday Afternoon.
Religious Services
On Sunday morning before breakfast there will be a non-Denominational (Scouts Own) service located in the Shows Arena.
First Aid
All injuries at the Conclave, no matter how minor, should be reported immediately to the EMT on duty. He/She will be located at Conclave Headquarters for assistance throughout the weekend. Lodge advisors will serve as the point of contact for any parents needing to contact their youth while at Conclave.
All participants are required to have a permission slip , medical release, or trip ticket with medical information, (allergies, etc), on file with the section and their lodge. Lodges will be responsible for handling these permission slips following the policies of their councils.
Safety is everyone's responsibility. Please be aware of what you are doing and report any unsafe situations that are discovered to the Conclave Committee. Everyone can avoid accidents with the use of a little common sense. BSA policy will be enforced. Navy Base Policy will also be STRONGLY enforced.
Special Arrangements
If your lodge will require disability access, special assistance or arrangements during the Conclave, that are not covered in the guide, please contact the host lodge chairman (CVC of Site Coordination) or adviser in advance of the event. Your specific needs can be address as long as the host lodge is made aware of your needs in advance.
Conclave Headquarters
Conclave Headquarters will be located in (TBD). Please relay any questions or concerns to the headquarters. The location will be indicated by Signs at the Conclave and on the Official Event Map to be distributed On-Site.
The communications headquarters will be located adjacent to the Conclave headquarters (Location). At various times throughout the Conclave, the Bear Facts will be distributed to keep participants informed about what is going on.
Trading Post
There will be a trading post at Conclave. The trading post will be selling refreshments and memorabilia. Pre-approved lodge items will be sold on consignment with a 15% commission fee to the Section. Contact the Section Advisor for information regarding selling those items. NO ONE without prior approval will be able to sell items at Conclave. ONLY the conclave trading post will sell items unless it has been approved by the base and the Section Advisor. Only “Not For Profit” organizations may sell items or advertises items on base! NO EXCEPTIONS!
As of 1996, the BSA policy on the use of tobacco is as follows: “Adult leaders should support the attitude that young adults are better off without tobacco and may not allow the use of tobacco products at any BSA activity involving young participants.” Use by adults in camp is highly restricted to areas where Scouts will not see the use at any time. Please notify your guests of this policy.
Check Out
After the closing ceremony on Sunday, each Lodge will be asked to work together to clean up certain areas that were utilized during the course of the Conclave. Lodge responsibilities will be distributed out at the Saturday night Council of Chiefs Meeting. Immediately following this time the Lodges will assist in cleaning up their respective campsites.
All participants will be required to check out individually with their lodge contingent leader. More information is located under Registration.
Section Elections
The sections elections this year will be held on Sunday before the closing ceremony. Each scout that wish's to run for a section officer position must have a sign letter from the council scout executive or there designee. The nominations for the Section Chief position will close at the Section meeting just before the election (Sunday Morning) per F.O.G. guidelines. (Check www.oa-bsa.org to download the F.O.G.). All persons running for section office must attend the “So you want to be a section officer?” training class on Saturday morning in order to run as well as submitting their letter to the Section Advisor. The positions that are open are as follows: Section Chief, Section Vice Chief and Section Secretary. Each Lodge will get 10 votes to vote for each position. The votes can be spilt or as a whole it's all up to the lodge.
Conclave Dress Code
Al all times during the Conclave, participants should be encouraged to wear the field uniform. During some parts of the Conclave, participants are permitted to wear their activities uniform. These occasions include sports and ceremony events, lunch, and free time. Keep in mind however, that during assemblies, breakfast, lunch, dinner, training, religious services, and for all shows, Arrowmen must be in their field uniform. If not, he or she will be asked to go back to camp and return with the necessary articles. Uniform guidelines are listed in the Boy Scout Handbook.
Special time has been devoted to training at the conclave. No other scheduled events will take place during the training portion of conclave. All courses are available online or can be found in the training portion of this book. In the event that you do not get the chance to register for a class, you may attend any class of your choice. Please be aware that many of the classes will fill to their maximum capacity, so it behooves you to pre-register. Registration can be done at anytime prior to 8:00 a.m. Saturday inside the Administration Office.
Training Course Schedule
Session 1 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Session 2 1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Session 3 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Session 4 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM